Become a more calm, confident parent
in as little as 10 minutes a week!

Keep your positive parenting practices front-of-mind.
Experience weekly accountability, new tools, and quick wins that will
bring you closer to your children and boost your parenting confidence. 

Ready to flip the script on parenting and break generational cycles? Get the Flipped Parenting Weekly Flips and have easily digestible, bite-sized tips, tools, and inspiration delivered straight to your inbox for only $9/month.

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime

in each Weekly Flip you’ll get…

Weekly Intention: When we parent intentionally we are more likely to respond, rather than react, minimizing conflicts with our kids. Start your week with a mindful quote or affirmation to get you in the right frame of mind to parent intentionally.

Self-Care Strategy: Need more than generic self-care strategies? Let’s find self-care ideas that work for YOU! Each week you’ll explore a new and creative way to fill your own bucket. It’s cliche, but we parents have to put on our oxygen masks first.

Quick Connect: Connecting with your child doesn’t have to take hours – or be painful. Each week you’ll get an idea for a quick, fun, and meaningful way to connect.

Tool Talk: Practice makes perfect! Feel empowered with a quick win when you learn and implement the simple weekly tool challenge.

Weekly Accountability: Need a gentle nudge to stay on track? Each week reply to the email with your “I will” statement and receive a reply a few days later checking in. (Your “I will” statement can be big or small, parenting or anything else. Whatever you need accountability for!)

😄 Members are Flipping for the Weekly Flips …

There’s More!

As a member of the Weekly Flips You’ll Also Get…

“FLIP the Parenting Script”

Learn the four components you need to transform your parenting and kickstart your journey with the Weekly Flips. 


Have 5 minutes for a quick win? Access over 50 weekly lessons – short video lessons 2-5 minutes long  – to help you learn everything from ways to gain cooperation to emotional regulation.

Monthly Group Coaching

Let’s talk parenting! Each month, join other members for a live, online group coaching call.


24/7 access to all past Weekly Flips for inspiration and tips whenever you need them.

SOS Online Toolbox

Tools and resources for those days you’re on the edge and need some quick ways to reset.

Ready to join the Weekly Flips?

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime


“Once I met Janell she totally flipped everything starting with my own mindset.”

Valerie S.

“No matter where you are in your relationship with your child, this is something that will add value to your life.”

Evelyn W.

You’re trying so hard to raise your kids
differently than you were raised.

You want an amazing relationship with your children based on mutual respect and connection. But when shit hits the fan, you find yourself using the same soul crushing strategies your parents used on you. You…

✖️ Double down on punishments

✖️ Start yelling out of frustration

✖️ Resort to shaming and name calling to “snap” your kid out of it

✖️ Make crazy threats you have no intention of following through with

✖️ You try even harder to control your child

But that stops now. I know you desperately want to parent differently from your parents. And thinking about transforming your parenting may feel completely overwhelming.

I did it and I know you can too! With baby steps and easy weekly wins, you’ll be on your way to being the calm and confident parent you dream of. Here’s how… 

This Membership is for Two Types of Parents …

The "where do I start?" Parent

The parent that wants to be the best parent they can be and is ready to do the work but doesn’t know where to start.

The "Need Accountability" Parent

The parent that has started using positive parenting tools & strategies but knows they need regular reminders and accountability.

You’ve tried so many ways to bring peace into your home…


Spending hours and hours scouring the internet and reading every book you could get your hands on


Listening to people who meant well but were giving bad advice (including your own parents)


Putting your child in therapy with the hopes a therapist could “fix” your child, but not only was it expensive, your child wasn’t willing to cooperate and do the work


Tried to stop yelling on your own but didn’t have much success (and biting your tongue wasn’t an effective long-term strategy)


Joining tons of online parent groups hoping someone would tell you the magic answer but not being able to navigate all the strong and differing opinions

BUT OMG… None of those worked and you’re exhausted.

But here’s what I want for you. What if instead…


The tension in your home starts to come down and you experience more peace.


Your child becomes less defiant and more cooperative.


You experience less power struggles and escalations.


You feel better about yourself, confident, and no longer ashamed of the way you parent.


You start to actually enjoy time with your kids.

You CAN have this. And the Flipped Parenting Weekly Flips will show you how. Only $9/month.

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime

Hi! I’m Janell

Getting to this point wasn’t easy!

When I began my parenting journey…

I thought I had all the tools I needed to be a great parents.

Not only had my own parents taught me the “proper” way to parent, but many parenting experts at the time were validating their approach.

  • Don’t be afraid to tell your child “no”
  • Follow through with an appropriate punishment when your child breaks a rule….
  • Be consistent

No problem, I thought. I got this!

But the tools I was using didn’t work. At all.

I felt like a failure as a parent. In fact, punishments (and even rewards!) were just making things worse. Much worse.

I was so confused and lost. If this is the way I’m supposed to parent and it wasn’t working (and felt terrible), what the heck was I supposed to do?

And that’s when it hit me

I was unintentionally making it all worse!

I needed a new way to look at parenting . . .

Instead of focusing on punishing away the misbehavior I needed to focus on what was causing the misbehavior and solve that first.

Instead of focusing on compliance I needed to work on building a better connection with my child.

Instead of trying to control my child, I needed to first learn to control my own thoughts, feelings and actions.

By flipping my focus I was able to SIGNIFICANTLY reduce the challenges we were having at home.

And I was able to do this without any participation from my child.

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime

Finally a simple, reliable, and effective way to up-level your parenting game…

Information that aligns with your parenting philosophy.

The actual information you need to become the parent you want to be delivered weekly to your inbox in bite-sized designed by a professional Parent Coach.

You'll have the accountability to make sure you're applying the tools.

Need help staying on track? We got you! Reply to the Weekly Flip with your weekly “I will” goal and we’ll email you back a few days later to check-in. 

Gain the knowledge and skills you need to be the parent you want to be.

No more parenting haphazardly. Each tool and strategy is explained so you truly understand the “why” behind it all, helping it to click and making the tools easier to apply.

Lifelong tools and strategies for parenting with ease.

No more ineffective, short-term, one-size fits all band-aid solutions. With life-long tools and strategies you can handle all the parenting challenges that come your way.

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime


Join the Weekly Flips

By learning how to reframe your thoughts about parenting, practicing self-regulation, building healthy relationships with your kids and learning new, non-punitive parenting tools you will be empowered to parent in a way that is not only effective, but feels good, too.

Only $9/month

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime

Q: With all the free parenting advice and mom groups online, why should I sign up for the Weekly Flips?

Ever find yourself drowning in endless online advice and not having any idea which advice may actually work for you? That’s where the Weekly Flips comes in. Every week, you’ll get specially curated, bite-sized, actionable wisdom straight to your inbox—no more guesswork, just clear, effective strategies aligned with your parenting values. It’s tailored to help you parent in a way that feels right and actually works.

Plus, there’s the accountability factor. Ever said, “I’ll do it,” but then life happens? We’ve got you. Shoot a quick reply with your “I will” goal for the week, and expect a friendly nudge from us checking in. It’s like having a parenting buddy who’s always there to keep you focused.

These strategies aren’t just talk; they transformed my parenting and brought peace to my home. I’m here to share them with you, so you can experience that change too.

What members say

“The Flipped Parenting Community is such a fabulous resource! Janell breaks down parenting challenges in small actionable steps and is truly empathetic. The group sessions are very helpful in reinforcing our weekly lessons and help keep them top of mind. I highly recommend this program for anyone wanting to improve their parenting skills and improve their relationship with their children.”

Michelle N.

“Janell Bitton is an awesome parenting coach. I found out about Janell on Facebook and started with a free hour long session in which she took the entire time to speak with me. What I really liked about Janell and why I still work with her now is that she really listened to me. She is very kind, funny, and down-to-earth, too. Her unique approach to parenting with intention helps me a lot and it can help you too. Now I am part of her online parenting membership community and I love it. I can hear about other parents struggles, wins, and point of views and share my own in a safe space. I highly recommend Janell and the Flipped Parenting Community!”

Rachel G.

Just $9/month | Cancel Anytime

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